The Sandgate and Bracken Ridge Action Group Incorporated, known as SANDBAG Inc. is an independent community based organisation that has been working within the Brisbane North Community for the past 30 years.
Welcome to Sandbag Inc
At SANDBAG we support active and inclusive communities by connecting people to activities, programs and services. We believe a connected and inclusive community benefits all individuals, businesses and overall enables a vibrant and healthy community. We value our strong relationships with individuals, groups, businesses and other stakeholders across all the areas in which we work.
A Visit to Green P Farm
When we arrive at the farm at about 2pm, it’s uncharacteristically sunny. Following a spate of rainy days, the saturated blue of the sky makes me squint as I walk behind Daniel over the [...]
Volunteer Spotlight – Nikneet Kaur Sethi
I joined the team as a [phone] counsellor for SANDBAG Connect where I learned how to use my skills for telephone counselling, then moved on to Reflecting Team counselling sessions. I learned about counselling clients [...]
SANDBAG secures a $100,000 children’s counselling grant!
SANDBAG are delighted to announce that a specialist Child & Family Counsellor is joining our Domestic and Family Violence Counselling service from the beginning of 2021. This new role has been enabled through the [...]